M.Phil Statistics

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M.Phil Statistics

M.Phil Statistics

The two-year M.Phil Statistics program at Kinnaird College will provide the students a sound understanding in the theory and applications of statistics. The M.Phil involves a combination of course work and research training and is designed to extend the competence of candidates in their chosen discipline. The program offers range of courses and will provide the quantitative skills and expertise required to carry out various types of econometric and statistical analyses. Students acquire the skills necessary to undertake applied and/or theoretical projects and the ability to communicate the results of their work to wider audiences. The mainstream statistical theory will be supplemented by studies in specialized areas such as Quality Control, Mathematical Statistics, Reliability Theory and Advanced Sampling Techniques.

The program involves a core in mainstream statistical theory and application, supplemented by studies in specialist stream. Students may choose to specialize in any of a number of areas including Quality Control, Mathematical Statistics, Advanced Sampling Techniques and Reliability Theory. The structure and content of the courses within the program focus on the skill and techniques that are relevant and applicable. 

Admission Requirments

  • 04 years BA/B.Sc. (Hons) with a minimum CGPA of 2.50 OR 60% marks in Masters after 02 years BA/ B.Sc. The applicants should have done their Graduation/Masters in Statistics or Mathematics.
  • All candidates must appear for KC Graduate Assessment Test.
  • Only short listed candidates will be called for the Interview.

Road Map

Year 1 - Semester 1
CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
XXX XXXCore Course – I3 (3-0)
XXX XXXCore Course – II3 (3-0)
XXX XXXCore Course – III3 (3-0)
XXX XXXCore Course – IV3 (3-0)
Year 1 - Semester 2
CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours

Core Course – V

3 (3-0)
XXX XXXCore Course – VI3 (3-0)
XXX XXXCore Course – VII3 (3-0)
XXX XXXCore Course – VIII3 (3-0)
Year 2 - Semester 3 & 4
CodeCourse/RequirementCredit Hours
XXX XXXThesis/ Research Work6
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
STAT 501 Advanced Probability Theory 3 (3-0)
STAT 502 Advanced Sampling Techniques 3 (3-0)
STAT 551 Advanced Statistical Inference 3 (3-0)
STAT 552 Advanced Multivariate Techniques 3 (3-0)
STAT 504 Advanced Research Methods 3 (3-0)
STAT 503 Advanced Statistical Computing 3 (3-0)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
STAT 553 Advanced Quality Control 3 (3-0)
STAT 554 Advanced Reliability Theory 3 (3-0)
STAT 555 Advanced Survival Analysis 3 (3-0)
STAT 556 Advanced Time Series Analysis 3 (3-0)
STAT 557 Advanced Categorical Data Analysis 3 (3-0)
STAT 558 Advanced Generalized Linear Models 3 (3-0)
STAT 559 Structural Equation Models 3 (3-0)
STAT 560 Advanced Regression Analysis 3 (3-0)
STAT 561 Advanced Design of Experiments 3 (3-0)

Research Thesis

An M.Phil candidate who has completed her course work with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 must present and pass the oral proposal defense examination before she is allowed to carry out her Masters research. On passing the thesis proposal defense the student must carry out a research study which is described in a thesis. She must successfully defend the completed work in an oral examination involving a presentation and question answer session in the presence of an external examiner.