BS International Relations

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BS International Relations

BS International Relations

The Bachelor in International Relations (IR) is an interdisciplinary underGraduate major focusing on the changing political, economic and socio-cultural relations within the international system of the modern era. The program explores how global, regional, and domestic factors influence relations between actors on the world stage. It seeks to provide students with an understanding of the global system’s past, the tools to function effectively in the present, and the ability to respond to future developments.

Our vision is to become one of the top seats of higher learning in International Relations. Our aim is to establish Centre of Excellence in Strategic Studies, Regional Studies and Diplomacy and International Law.

The Bachelors in International Relations (IR) is an interdisciplinary underGraduate program which majorly focuses on the changing political, economic and socio-cultural relations within the international system of the modern era. The program explores how global, regional and domestic factors influence relations between actors on the world stage. Our mission is to provide students with an understanding of the global system’s past, the tools to function effectively in the present, and the ability to respond to future developments.

Admission Requirments


FA/F.Sc with minimum 60% marks OR A-level in three main subjects (no subsidiary) with minimum Grade B (60%) with Equivalence Certificate OR Grade 12 with minimum Grade B (60%) with Equivalence Certificate.

Degree Requirments

To receive BS International Relations degree, a student must complete a total of 130 credit hours with a minimum CGPA of 2.50.

Road Map

Semester 1
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major Introduction to International Relations 3
2 Core English – I 3
3 Core Islamic Studies / Core Ethics 2
4 Core Introduction to Computers 3
5 General General – I 3
6 General General – II 3
Total 17
Semester 2
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major Approaches and Theories of International Relations 3
2 Major International Relations: 1648-1945 3
3 Core English – II 3
4 Core Pakistan Studies 2
5 Core Mathematics 3
6 General General – III 3
Total 17
Semester 3
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major International Relations 1945-Present 3
2 Major Area Study-South Asia 3
3 Major Area Study-Middle East 3
4 Core English – III 3
5 General General – IV 3
6 General General – V 3
Total 18
Semester 4
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major Area Study-Central Asia 3
2 Major Area Study-East Asia 3
3 Major Area Study-Latin America 3
4 Major Area Study-Africa 3
5 General General – VI 3
6 General General – VII 3
Total 18
Semester 5
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major Contemporary Issues in International Relations 3
2 Major International Law 3
3 Major Global Politics of Environment 3
4 Major Research Methodology 3
5 General General – VII 3
6 General General – IX 3
Total 18
Semester 6
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major International Political Economy 3
2 Major International and Regional Organizations 3
3 Major Strategic and Defense Studies 3
4 Major Data Analysis and Report Writing 3
5 General General – X 3
6 General General – XI 3
Total 18
Semester 7
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major Foreign Policy Analysis 3
2 Major Foreign Policies of US, Russia and China 3
3 Major Foreign Policy of Pakistan 3
4 Major Diplomacy 3
Total 12
Semester 8
Sr. No. Course Type Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 Major International Politics of Human Rights 3
2 Major Conflict Management and Resolution 3
3 Major Research Report 6
Total 12
Category Credit Hours
Core 19
Major 78
General 33
Total 130

Active Citizenship Program

Active Citizenship program offered by Kinnaird College in collaboration with British Council and HEC is a social leadership training program that promotes intercultural dialogue and community-led social development. It is a mandatory requirement for the completion of underGraduate degree and based on two semesters. All students will study the theoretical portion through different activities starting in their 3rd semester. They will plan their social action projects in 4th semester and implement it in the field.